Pinkfresh Studio Liquid Watercolor Video Hop


Hi Friends! 

I am so thrilled to be participating in the 

Pinkfresh Studio Liquid Watercolor Video Hop!

Yayyy! How exciting &!!!!
Like all good hops, there's some awesome giveaways going on & of course, amazing inspiration, tips & techniques on how to use these gorgeous watercolors!
There's a giveaway on every stop along the way - so lots of chances to win!

To start the Video Hop, find out all the giveaway details, & view the entire hop list, 
you'll need to visit Pinkfresh Studio HERE. 

Here's a sneaky peak at what I've created for this hop.....

"Present & In Awe"

Oh my heart, this is gor-jus!!! 
I have combined the beautiful Simple & Sweet collection with those amazing watercolors & I just love the result!
Here's a better view for you......!!!

You can see exactly how I created this stunning page by watching my video HERE

(& by liking and commenting on my video you go in the draw to win 
a $25 Pinkfresh Studio Gift Card! Yayyyy!!!) 
So be sure to check out this amazing Video Hop & Good Luck with all the giveaways!

Thanks so much for stopping by today!
til next time, 

Happy Arty Days, 
Amanda xo 

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  1. Thanks for the video. Your LO is great and I loved how you used stencils.

  2. So beautiful! love the colors and backgroung.
