Elle's Studio: August Kit & New Releases!


Hi Everyone!

It's time for another awesome Elle's Studio reveal! 
And like every month,
this month's kit and add-ons are simply Aaaaaaah-mazing! 

Here's what I'm talking 'bout....

August Exclusive Kit

Totally awesome!!!
& to compliment this exclusive kit are some incredible Add-ons....

Acrylics, veneers, puffy stickers, stamps - oh.my.heart! LOVE it all!

And let's not forget the fabulous 
Told you it was all awesome!
I know I say this every month, but I just can't get enough of Elle's Studio!!! It's all SO good!

Here's a quick looksee at what I've created with this kit so far.....

Acrylic Mini Album with August Kit & Add-Ons

The new Acrylic Album plus this month's kit were just perfect for documenting our recent family vacation! I just adore the {heart} THIS acrylic on the cover!
Here's a quick flick through of my album featuring lots of our Add-Ons too!

The 6 x 4 cards in the August Kit are the perfect size for the new Acrylic Albums!
& the Jane Alphabet stickers are ideal for personalizing your stories with! 

How cool is that memorabilia pocket made from our Noteworthy collection?! 
I've filled it with all our keepsake tickets, passes and odds & ends from the trip.
And those veneers!!!
So perfect! 
For my USA friends, the Gold Coast is where all the theme parks are in Australia - so it's a dream  holiday destination for our children! 
(plus there may have been a relaxing resort for mum & dad too!)

Day 1 & tons of fun spent by the lagoon 'Pool in the Skies'! 
The 3 x 4 cards are always so fabulous - it was great to make a feature of them in this mini album!

More of the awesome Jane Alphabet Stickers, August Kit supplies and Noteworthy collection. Loving those super cute Little Photo Flag Stickers!

As my album cover is aqua, I have kept to a cool color scheme for this mini - so lots of blues, greens & purples! 

Forgive me, there's a really personal story about the restaurant to go on 'the details' card - so I left it blank for photographing. But how cool is that veneer?! 

A few theme park photos for the remainder of this cute album! 

Yes, we met Shrek & rode in the garlic bulb carriage! Lol! Such a fun day! 

Totally awesome! 
Such a fun way to document those holiday snaps! 
Hope it inspired you to use your kits for mini albums too!

Next up, I've documented my lil man starting school for the first time....

"First Day"

Oh how adorable! He was SO little (& so excited too!)
With so many Back to School elements in the August kit, this was the perfect opportunity for me to document this milestone moment! Proud Moment, indeed!!!
You'll also spy lots of our awesome Add-On items here including the ABC Wood Veneer, Back to School Acrylic, & even those fabulolus Purple Puffy Alphabet Stickers!
Here's a closer look for you.....

How good is that sentiment? !! 
Work hard, be kind, good things will happen
Wonderful words of wisdom that resonate so well with my sweet boy's memories. 
You'll see that I tucked the "Back to" part of the Back to School Acrylic beneath my photo, as this worked better for my son's story. 

Nothing says 'school' better than ABC's & 1,2,3's!  Love these details! 
I mount my Purple Puffy Alphabet Sticker title onto the ABC Wood Veneer for added impact - so cool!

Whether it's back to school or just a school based memory, the August kit has definitely got you covered! 

And that's all I can share with you today!
I'll be back on the 13th to showcase more of these fabulous products, 
I hope I have inspired you to get creating!

You can get all your Elle's Studio supplies HERE 

Never want to  miss out again? 

Thanks so much for visiting, 
til next time, 

Happy Arty Days, 
Amanda xo 

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