Kaisercraft: New! Journal Planner


Hi Happy Arty Days Friends & Planner Addicts!

Boy-oh-boy was I excited to receive the new
For those of you who don't follow me, I am a total planner addict!
I love all things planner related and couldn't wait to try out this stunning Journal Planner!
Even the box it comes in is pretty.......

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I know, when the packaging looks this good you know you've bought quality!
But, wait til you open the box....
I was greeted with that lovely PU leather smell, and it felt so lovely in my hands!
Here it is on my desk.....

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Yes, it is pink. Yes, it is pretty. Yes, it has an inspirational quote on the cover - I am so already loving it!
This colour is 'Blush' but the Journal Planner also comes in classic Black and a beautiful mint 'Sea Breeze'.
Unlike other planners on the market, this one is a hard leather feel, with a really strong magnetic clasp.
(No cheap pop stud buttons!)
And I love that it is so very customisable. This planner is all about YOU!
Kaisercraft have really considered your needs with this Journal Planner - make it what you want!
Kaisercraft sent me the fabulous A Touch Of Gold collection to showcase with this Journal Planner - so lot's of black, white and gold in my planner today ;)
Very sophisticated!
Let's peak inside......

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Totally gorgeous, and how fun!!!
I love accessorizing my planners - so you'll spy lots of pretties adorning my dashboards!
Captured moments cards, tags & collectables, pattern papers, pretty pins, memo notes, stickers, charms, clips, sequins....lol - anything pretty really!
I like to keep a few things 'handy' for decorating my pages with ;)
And while we're talking interiors, I love that natural tan leather finish inside.
It will work so well with any colour combinations -
meaning we can constantly re-decorate with our seasonal colours & pattern papers with confidence!
That said, if you're not into embellishing your planner,
then the quality finish on the leather will ensure you'll also have a stylish number without all the fuss.
Now, remember how I said this planner is all about you?
Well, in the following images I've styled mine to suit MY needs,
but you can create yours the way YOU want!

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So the printed dashboards (dividers) are very stylishly printed inspirational quotes in black and white.
(Again, so you can customise to suit your style)
But for me, who loves colour &  pattern, well I just had to decorate mine with a little
A Touch Of Gold to them........

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Isn't this the cutest?! And it took only a few mintues to transform.
A couple strips of specialty foil paper, a sticker, the NEW glitter printed tape (in gold, naturally!), a scatter of sequins, a few cute pens and that sweet tassle charm! Love it!
(Between you and me, making tassles is little too fiddly & time consuming,
so I do order these from Mint Boulevard, the quality speaks for itself.)
Oh, and let's not forget my planner inside cover.....

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When it comes to planners you can never have too many cute pens, charms, stickers and clips!
Those super fun heart memo sticky notes, and it's matching notelet card are from The Planner Society - yes, there are even groups you can join to share your planner love, and be inspired!
You can also learn how to make your own planner embellies...

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Cute paperclips to coordinate with your signature style? Yes please!
Simply take an extra long paper clip and attach either a charm, flair button, bitty bow or ribbon. Voila! So easy!
Let's take a further look inside my planner....

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Here's my opening page for November.
I stitched a Captured Moments card to my ATOG pattern paper base to create an extra pocket for storing keepsakes, momentos and lil notes in. I've also embellished it with a cute heart paper clip from Merci and used another gorgeous tassle charm.
On the opposite page, I have used the new DD733 | Months in CD102 | Licorice to create a month page. I've embellished with sequins, pattern paper, a foiled washi tape & chevron bull dog clip. So cute!
As I really wanted to use this Journal Planner as a bit of a diary style planner too, I photocopied my fave month to a page inserts, cut them to size & embellished them too.
I like to keep on top of my hectic lifestyle - so a month to a page overview always works well for me!

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Again, decorating your planner is a personal choice,
but I really believe that you can't go without the staple Printed Tape.
The new Kaisercraft Glitter Tapes are divine!!!
My next page in My planner is an inspiration page....

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I love that you can use your planner to focus and stay on track with your personal goals.
I've even doodled a lil inspiration girl on a 6 x 4" Capture Card - cute, huh?
She's actually inspired by the artist Christy Campbell Tomlinson who creates Planner Girls for all her planners.  As an arty, inky, drawing kinda girl I totally adore this idea! Here's a closer look at my inspiration gal...


How cool is that Kaisercraft Clear Sticker in the bottom left corner? It partners perfectly with my illustration!
Apart from the A Touch of Gold collection, I've also dived into my Planner Society stash to 'dress' this feature page. Again, totally LOVING that you can mix n match, and customise your planner to be all about YOU!
Here's my other page to partner with the inspirational one...

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Cool. Printed tapes, patterned papers, inspirational stickers & words, & I love that A Touch of Gold Tag to draw my focus in! LOL! Here's hoping it will keep me on task :)
Another of the other features of the Journal Planner is the included Captured Moments clear pocket refills. This means you can use your Journal Planner as a pocket page album, and have more room for journalling/story-telling too!

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A quick sample page to give you an idea of how it could be incorporated into your planner style.

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A few of my planner junkie friends have said that they will use this Journal Planner as a detailed Daily December, or Year Long Daily Mini Album. Awesome ideas!
Personally, I am sold on it being a way too stylish Organiser, so for me, those clear pocket refills are perfect for storing my supplies....

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Yes, we all know that they hold the Captured Moments cards perfectly,
but they're also super handy for sticker, clip and charms storage too!

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Loving the new Kaisercraft Journal Planner!

I hope I have inspired you with a few ideas on how to make the most of your planner.

Kaisercraft Products Featured: SA052 | Journal Planner-Blush, CM602 | Stay Golden Captured Moments Kit, PS422| Confetti, CD102 | Licorice, DD733 | Months, PT227 | Printed Tape-Gold, ST928 | Clear Stickers-Life, PT216 | Printed Tape-Ornate, FL441 | Pennants.

Other: Sequins, washi tape, pens, clips, tassles, charms, memo stick-it notes, charms.

Thanks for visiting & leaving a comment,
Happy Arty Days, 
Amanda xo

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