Pebbles: Pocket Letter FUN!


Hi Friends!

It's time for a lil more Pebbles love! 
Today I am sharing a little Summer Boredom Solver activity;
Creating Pocket Letters!
Pocket letters come in many shapes and forms, and are tons of fun to make!
I thought children who suffer Summer Break boredom in the USA could get ahead with their 4th July crafts, and make a start on their classmate gifts! 
Here's what I came up with.......

Oh so much fun!
 And depending on the recipients, you could also add your favorite candy, party whistles, sparklers - the possibilities are endless! Fill them with letters & note cards, and encourage children to celebrate old fashioned snail mail! 
What a fun package to receive!
Here's how to create them....

Start with your favorite supplies from the Land That I Love collection. 
You'll need at least two sheets of pattern paper, as well as some Printed Cardstock Shapes (ephemera), and stickers.
I chose papers, Oh! The Places We Go! & United We Stand for my samples.

To create the pockets, start by trimming the pocket bases  7" long x 4"wide. 
You'll get three bases from one sheet of paper. 
Next, trim the pocket fronts 4" x 4" square.

Position the fronts on top of the bases, and machine stitch into place.
 Remove excess threads, and embellish the pocket fronts with Printed Cardstock Shapes.

I used Adhesive Foam Dots to make my shapes really 'pop' on the pocket covers. Super cute pockets made in a minute. And because they're so easy to make, your bored children should be able to create one for every classmate in less than an hour! Yay!

Making pockets is quick & easy, but filling them is by far the best part!
Here's a few ideas on what you could add to yours.....

These fun wands are a great addition! Use coordinating paper straws  (or wrap ribbon around plastic straws) for the wand handle. Hot glue Printed Cardstock Shapes or Dimensional Star Rosette Stickers & ribbon tassels to create the tops of the wand. Perfect for waving during the parade!

How about a note card, or sentiment? 
I cut apart pattern paper Land That I Love & attached handwritten notes to the backs of these 3 x 4 cards using washi tape.

Stuff your pockets full of fun treats! 
Candy, party whistles, pencils..... 
I even cut apart my Puffy Stickers and 6 x 12 Cardstock Stickers and popped some of them in too!

Some seriously fun mail that I think your children will love creating!
Maybe you could surprise them with a special one that you've made for them too?! ;) 
Everyone loves receiving happy mail!
Here's a few close ups for you.....

Oh gosh! Does snail mail get any cuter than this?!! 
I love the inclusion of those fabulous Puffy Stickers!

Those fireworks!?!! Gor-jus! 
I hot glued a tiny paper clip to the back of mine so they can be used in TNs & planners!

3 Cheers for the Red, White & Blue!!! Love this so much!

And there you have it! 
A Summer Boredom Buster that's as fun to make as it is to receive!
I hope you and your children will enjoy creating these Pocket Letters!

Thanks so much for visiting!
Til next time, 

Happy Arty Days, 
Amanda xo

All NEW Shimmerz Paints Colors!!!


Hi Creatives! 

Welcome back for more Shimmerz Paints inspiration!
Today I am sharing my first creation with our brand new Shimmerz colors!
Yessss! New colors!

Here's what they look like....

Aren't they preeeeeetty?!!
But wait, there's more.....! 
These colors are just shimmery perfection! 
LOVE them all! 

Infact, I was so blown away with how fabulous they are, that I decided to share them on 
Instagram LIVE - I apologise if you watched! I was such a nervous bundle of energy :(  Lol! 
I quickly splash painted these messy hearts....

(I know, those colors!!!!)

 just to show off that fabulous shimmer and gorgeous pigment, 
But then a few people messaged me to say they needed to see it completed. 
To be honest, I had planned on putting it in the trash! 
I mean, the colors are divine, but this is just messy play, right?
  I'm so glad I listened to you all though because this is what I ended up creating with it.......

All the rainbow hearts love for this!
SO super cute, fun and happy! 
I absolutely adore that sweet photograph, and those shimmery hearts formed the perfect background! 

Here's a closer look for you.....

SO adorable! 
The playful and rather cute Echo Park: Imagine That collection partnered perfectly with the new Shimmerz colors, and really accentuated the happy vibe of this memory! 

Let's take a closer peak at those hearts.....

That shimmer is just incredible! Crazy good!!! 
I thought I could pick a fave color or two from the new ones, but the truth is, I can't!!! 
I love, love, LOVE all 6 of the new colors! 
( & yes, caticorns are a thing now! just sayin'  ;)  )

Let Your Imagination Soar seems fitting for my precious two in the photo, as well as when you play with Shimmerz Paints! 

Check out ALL the gorgeous new Shimmerz colors HERE
& REMEMBER: Type AMANDA in the comments section of your order & they'll send you a FREE paint! 
(The free paint deal applies to every single time you order, 
but is not valid with any other discounts or promos.)

Thanks so much for visiting!
til next time, 

Happy Arty Days, 
Amanda xo 

Elle's Studio: Sketch Inspiration


Hi Everyone!

Welcome back for more gorgeous inspiration with the Elle's Studio May Kit & Add-Ons!

For today's post I am creating a layout from this month's sketch inspiration.
 It's based on the 'Yes Please' layout in our April Gallery & is by the super talented Susan Brochu.
Here's what the sketch looks like....

Awesome, huh?!

 I've followed the sketch pretty closely, 

but I'm adding my 'twist' to it by using super bright colors, & adjusting all the proportions. 

Here's my take on it,

"Good FUN"

Good FUN, indeed! 
This is my two darlings on Easter morning eating chocolate bunnies, for breakfast, no less! 
Living the (chocolate) dream for sure! 
The bright, playful colors in this month's kit were perfect for documenting this happy moment!
And nothing says fun better than an over sized FUN wood veneer title, right?!
That veneer is just awesome, and the woodgrain contrasts beautifully against the rainbow of tags and labels! 
I love Susan's clever use of flags in her design.  I twist this idea, by arranging tags and labels into the flag style. I coordinate mine into similar color groups, and align each group with the veneer title, for maximum impact!
You'll also spy a few pretties from our new Noteworthy collection, including that super happy, yellow stripe, pattern paper base. Possibly a new fave o'mine! 
**The typewriter font journal trim beneath my photo cluster is actually the reverse side of the barcode strip from that same pattern paper** 


I should note that the 'good' veneer is from our Title Builder Vol. 2 Veneer set, and coordinates beautifully with our May kit! 
That FUN veneer title is a such a stand out feature!  
Stretching it across the page and adding the Puffy Heart stickers between the letters really adds emphasis to this already BIG impact title! So cool! 


Speaking of Puffy Heart stickers, you'll also spot the Gold Shapes and Dots adorning my layout too! 


 My photo cluster and layers are created from the 3 x 4" and 6 x 4" tags in the May kit, and embellished with some pretty Add-Ons, including those fabulous Play All Day Phrase Stickers.  Beneath these layers, I add a little tissue wrap from my stash to create dimension, texture & interest. 

And there you have it! 
My fun take on this fabulous sketch using the gorgeous May Kit, Add-ons & Noteworthy collection. 
I hope I have inspired you to get creating with these beautiful products! 
Thanks so much for visiting!
til next time, 

Happy Arty Days,
 Amanda xo 

Cocoa Vanilla Studio: Boys Rule!


Hi Eveyone!

Boy-OH-boy am I excited about the newest  Cocoa Vanilla Studio collection, Boys Rule
This collection is just the coolest boy line EVER! Yep, I said it, EVER!!! Infact, it's cool with a capital C! So easy to create with that I made today's layout in only 15 minutes!

** Warning - the new Boys Rule collection is not for the faint hearted, this is 100% Pure Boy awesome! **

There are just SO many reasons why you're gonna love this collection too!
But enough chatter, let's have a look at my first layout......

"Mr. Fantastic"


Yep. Mr Fantastic indeed!
So many awesome elements in this line, but I just couldn't get past creating with that incredible specialty paper first!
This paper is all kinds of amazing! It's called CV-BR018 LARGE DIE CUT & BACKING KIT and as the name suggests this is a pre-made cut file kit! I know, that's madness! So crazy good! 
Not quite understanding me, well here's a visual to what I'm meaning....

And you thought I created something special, didn't you? 
Well, I kinda did but mostly I just let the paper do ALL the work!
Seriously, this paper is just THE BEST! It even has the mixed media added to it already as well!
Now you can see how I made my page in only 15 minutes - perfect for those of us who are time poor. Or, if you want the cut file look but don't have a cutting machine. I said it before, and I'll say it again, this is the coolest boy collection EVER!
Let's take a closer look....

With the background taken care of, this layout was simply a matter of mounting my photo, and embellishing! My photo mounts consist of that fun striped CHIPBOARD PIECES frame, ACCESSORY STICKERS and mixed pieces from the MISCELLANY pack. I'm especially loving the raw woodgrain frame  - so edgy, and perfect for balancing all the black & white in this page.
 A mix of arrows direct you into my sweet photograph, he's Mr Fantastic for sure! 
I adorn my cool kid photograph with CHIPBOARD PIECES, adding both sentiments as well as dimension to the design.

As always, the coordinating FLAIR BUTTONS are super awesome, so I used three for good measure! Love them layered onto the cut file stars - so good!

And while we're speaking of stars, I just had to add more of them to this cool kid page!  
You'll find DIE CUT EPHEMERA, ACCESSORY STICKERS, & CHIPBOARD PIECES stars throughout my layout. As layering is quite the feature on this page, I even doubled up that Yeah Boy flag in keeping with the design aesthetic. I've mounted it on foam dots, and even popped a star in it too! Stars for the win!

Here's another close up of those awesome FLAIR BUTTONS! 
Nothing says Beware, Adventure Boy! more than skull n cross bones! SO cool! 
You'll spot the star one below too.....

It's no secret that I am a huge fan of the typewriter font phrases in our ACCESSORY STICKERS. I couldn't resist adding just a little journaling with them in the bottom corner of my page. I just love how everything works together so perfectly - it really is so easy to create with!

The CHIPBOARD PIECES are another new fave of mine! 
I love that they're not stickers and can be easily rearranged around your page during the planning process. Here's a closer look at that speech bubble adorning the top of my photo....

Pretty RAD indeed!

Super cool boy pages in minutes, that's what we love!
I hope my layout has inspired you today!

Thanks so much for visiting!
til next time, 

Happy Arty Days,
 Amanda xo 

Paper Issues: May: What's Up?


Hi Creative Friends! 

Welcome back for more papercrafting fun and inspiration! 
Today I am sharing my super sweet take on the all new Paper Issues challenge, What's Up?

This challenge is all about utilizing the top section of your layouts! 
Simply feature everything in the top 1/3 of your page; too easy!!!
The possibilities are endless! 

And without further ado, here's what my layout....


So sweet!!! 
Love these two cherubs! My favorite Pick Me Up, indeed! 
And yes, that's the name of the collection I'm highlighting today;
Pink Paislee's Paige Evans: Pick Me Up - check it out in the store HERE
Like all Paige's designs, this range is full of bright colors and patterns that make you feel happy! 
So playful & fun! 
I love white space, it tends to feature a lot in my layouts. 
Needless to say, I chose a white cardstock base for my page, 
but a simple pattern paper would look really awesome with this challenge too! 
Pink, burgundy and gold form the rest of my color scheme, and I have to say, I just love how soft and pretty this combination is! I hope you like it too!

Here's a few close ups for you....

Super sweet! 
Loving all the embellishment clustering around my photograph!
The very pretty ink splatters are Shimmerz Paints: Vibez in Razzeldazzel Berry - gorgeous color! 

The gold foil Thickers in this line are pretty fabulous too! LOVE! 

SO much pretty squeezed into the top of my design! 

Hope my layout has inspired you to play along with the new What's Up? challenge!
You can see more of my Paper Issues creations by following me on instagram HERE

Need supplies before you get started?
& REMEMBER: Code AMANDA will save you $$$ at checkout! Yay!

Need some Shimmerz
Visit the store HERE 
& Type AMANDA in the comments section of your order to receive a FREE paint! Yesss! 

Thanks so much for visiting today, 
til next time, 

Happy Arty Days, 
Amanda xo 

Paper Issues: May Swag Bag Spotlight!


Hi Everyone! 

Welcome back for more Paper Issues awesomeness with one of my favourite shares,
 Swag Bag Spotlight!

Today I am creating with the April Swag Bag, called "Yay! Let's Celebrate"

Isn't this such fun! 
So many cute embellishments and 3 x 4 cards! 

Each mini kit slightly varies, and mine had quite a few pieces from the My Mind's Eye,  Good Vibes collection!
The pink foil and bright colors in this line partnered perfectly with my left over pieces from the February Swag Bag. 
Here's what I created with them.....


Isn't this the sweetest?!!
I had so many left over hearts from the February Swag Bag, this was a perfect way to use them up!
Everything on my layout is from these two Swag Bags, 
except for my 12 x 12 paper, and the Nuvo Drops in Bubblegum Pink. 
 That super cool Amy Tangerine Hustle & Heart  12 x 12 pattern paper for my base was a perfect match with all the hearts too! 
Such a happy girl page! Love it!

Here's a few close ups for you.....

The April Kit also included those super fun Shaker Stickers from Shimelle's Glitter Girl, and some cute 2 x 2 squares from Paige Evans: Pick Me Up collection. Perfect for this sweet page! 

Loving the playfulness of the MME Good Vibes line!


Swag Bags - a little bit of this and a sampling of that! 
Perfect when you just want to try it all! 
Love 'em!

& REMEMBER: Code AMANDA will always save you $$$ at checkout! 

Thanks so much for visiting today!
til next time, 

Happy Arty Days, 
Amanda xo 

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